Album Review: Ginny Blackmore - Over The Moon

9 December 2015 | 4:30 pm | Mark Beresford

"Over The Moon places itself firmly against the Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato slow pop jams with an R&B beats formula, but despite solid production it falls drastically short."

New Zealand pop starlet Ginny Blackmore's debut release Over The Moon places itself firmly against the Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato slow pop jams with an R&B beats formula, but despite solid production it falls drastically short.

Fourteen tracks of lyrically appalling moments, such as Hello World taking us on an aquatic adventure with, "Can't be doin' that/Can't be doin' this/All I wanna do is swim with the fish," and Holding You's attempt to turn a philosophical tryst into planetary science with, "It's no surprise that we ain't in heaven/We're on the Earth," do nothing to endear this album. Sometimes ghostwriters are a brilliant idea.