Fern Brady – Power And Chaos

30 March 2019 | 1:58 pm | Joe Dolan

"It’s in the moments of personal clarity where the comic shines brightest."

More Fern Brady More Fern Brady

While Scottish comedian Fern Brady is acutely aware that her style may not be for everyone, the stand-up is effortlessly and authentically hilarious in her second MICF offering, Power And Chaos. Having just completed a run at Adelaide Fringe, and a show in Canberra, Brady expertly rips into the stereotypes of each city, grasping onto the most minute of details and eviscerating them with her abrasive charm.

Power And Chaos sees Brady return to what she does best, as the stand-up divulges intimate aspects of her own life while flawlessly attacking the germane and controversial topics of the age. The no-bullshit savagery with which she obliterates Michael Jackson and George Pell apologists is pure, unabashed Brady, but it’s in the moments of personal clarity where the comic shines brightest.

Power And Chaos sees Brady abandon the catharsis of 2018’s Suffer, Fools! in favour of a more welcoming attitude to those with whom her material may resonate the most. From her recent proclivity to openness in her bisexuality, to her recent mental health diagnosis, Brady simultaneously shuns naysayers and reaches out to those who need it most. For a show that tackles serious stuff with ease and the occasional “Too soon?”, it’s incredibly inclusive and loving. Brady is using her platform positively without sacrificing any aspect of her own stand-up persona – not nearly as easy as it sounds, and yet she balances the two with absolute ease.

Sure, Power And Chaos may not exactly be for the faint of heart, but those who can swallow the journey are treated to a brilliant night of comedy, self-discovery, and an increasingly disturbing hamster video.