Album Review: Feelings - Be Kind, Unwind

31 October 2013 | 1:01 pm | Madeleine Laing

Even when the lyrics get sad the music stays catchy as hell – a recipe for bittersweet gold.

It's surprising how short this album is; at a compact 27 minutes, it's so full of ideas and hooks and, okay, feelings, that it feels a lot longer. Opening track Square works as a manifesto for the tone of the whole record, Berckelman lamenting that, “Filthy thoughts/Filthy hands/Filthy mouth/Make me feel so square” over a super funky pop backing. Berkelman celebrates his baser instincts in these songs, and it's all pretty fun, especially the raucous Intercourse. Even when the lyrics get sad the music stays catchy as hell – a recipe for bittersweet gold.