Album Review: Dreadnaught - Caught The Vultures Sleeping

19 July 2016 | 1:34 pm | Mark Hebblewhite

"If you have any interest in cutting edge metal you could do worse than picking this album up."

More Dreadnaught More Dreadnaught

Melbourne metal veterans Dreadnaught have gone through a number of stylistic incarnations and this new album captures the best of all of them.

Over eight tracks the quintet throw together thrash, groove metal, prog, dark rock and even the odd touch of Pink Floyd to create an album that is engaging and challenging at the same time. There's not a weak moment here although the emotive Set Fire To The Plan and the brutally cathartic Clenched Fist are obvious highlights. This is a very solid offering from a band that deserves more attention — if you have any interest in cutting edge metal you could do worse than picking this album up.