Live Review: Dick Diver, Moon Rituals, Guy & Marcus Blackman Experimentation

8 September 2014 | 1:27 pm | Ella Mittas

Dick Diver are effortless at The Tote.

More Dick Diver More Dick Diver

The night opens with a set from Guy & Marcus Blackman Experimentation, the most abstract outfit on the bill. With Guy Blackman playing keys and Marcus Rechsteiner singing/reciting slightly unhinged monologues over the top, this is quite a bizarre concept but the outcome is surprisingly effective.

Rechsteiner’s lyrics are witty, his subject matter original. But, what’s more, the pair’s onstage banter is really satisfying to watch. They have fun while remembering to include their audience. A really good start to the night.

Next up is Moon Rituals, Sarah Hardiman from Deaf Wish’s new project, which is a surprisingly different vibe to what you’d expect from her – pop songs that Hardiman’s written on her Casio.

Although a Moon Rituals set isn’t as abrasive as a Deaf Wish show, Hardiman’s no wallflower and still manages to bring an intense energy that is really captivating. Even though the songs are classic pop riffs with classic pop lyrics, they’ve got a bit of darkness to them.

By the time Dick Diver hit the stage, The Tote is packed. Having barely enough room to stand does make you question what the hell you’re doing here, but Dick Diver arrive on stage and, as always, they’re complete charmers, which makes it all worthwhile. Something about their dreamy pop immediately puts the crowd at ease.

The band have such a warm stage presence and play their set in a nonchalant way that you could almost describe it as lazy if it wasn’t executed so well – effortless is a better word.

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