Album Review: Boyzone - BZ20

21 November 2013 | 12:27 pm | Sevana Ohandjanian

The only beneficiaries of this record are the back-up singers who got paid to perform the standard ‘pop song uplifting climax’ backing that is on every single song.

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If Boyzone's intention was to create a reunion record that is the ultimate Christmas gift for mums, they've done it. Nothing else could explain the mundane, totally uninspired mid-tempo snooze that is BZ20. Did anyone actually miss Boyzone? Who's going to release something next, A1? The only beneficiaries of this record are the back-up singers who got paid to perform the standard 'pop song uplifting climax' backing that is on every single song – and even then you'd guess those artists didn't plan on their years of intense training to eventuate in backing Ronan Keating's dull-as-dishwater voice.