Album Review: Blink-182 - 'Dogs Eating Dogs'

30 January 2013 | 12:23 pm | Staff Writer
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The perfect mix of old and new.

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'Neighbourhoods' was a big deal, the Blink-182 reunion album, a record that could never have lived up to the expectations set on it by fans. The band quickly realised that their music is better when they are all in the same room recording it (as opposed to the e-mail exchange method of 'Neighbourhoods') and took into consideration a little fan feedback when writing the songs for the 'Dogs Eating Dogs' EP. This why you will see a slight return to the power chord pop punk days of old in these tracks, but still with the mature age Blink-182 holding the wheel.

The EP starts strong with 'When I Was Young,' which features some fast punk drumming during the Delonge sung verses that slow down into a super catchy chorus and a synth filled bridge section. A culmination of Blink elements from all over the place which is cohesive and enjoyable, this is the new kind of Blink music that old fans couldn't complain about.

The title track is a real throw back, 'Take off Your Pants...' era, which is down the line pop-punk. It is clear however that the days of the happy-go-lucky days of Blink are well and truly gone as all of the band's music seems to have a serious undertone to all of it. None of the tracks are stupid fun for the hell of it, no one is fucking dogs in the ass anymore.

'Disaster' is one of the more "Angels & Airwaves" sounding tracks if you get the suggestion here, far more synths are used and the only thing really tying the track in with the rest of the EP is Travis Barker's fast paced drumming. It is by no means a bad song, it just sounds completely like the new Blink-182.

'Boxing Day' is a sweet little acoustic number featuring some great harmonies and guitar work. Most diehard fans will hate this track, but don't bully it, it's a nice song. The EP finishes off 'Pretty Little Girl', which features Barker's Psycho White partner Yelawolf...."A rapper on a Blink song!?!?!?" can hear the fans running away, but this is actually the stand out track of the EP for those willing to embrace the experimentation which is actually present in some form on all of these songs.

Anyone who expected Blink-182 to sound like they did back in the 'Dude Ranch' days, or even worse, got angry at them when they didn't, is an idiot. 'Dogs Eating Dogs' features enough elements that should keep those still aching for three chord pop punk wonders happy, while keeping on track with the band's current progression and maturity.

1. When I Was Young

2. Dogs Eating Dogs

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3. Disaster

4. Boxing Day

5. Pretty Little Girl