"This unique comedy concept offers the audience unrepeatable songs and jokes at every show."
At 9.30pm on the first autumn day of 2016, a long line of buzzing folk curled its way from the front entrance of The Factory and extended further into the Garden Of Unearthly Delights. These budding, predominantly youthful Adelaide Fringe goers were lining up patiently to see Ireland's top comedy hip hop improv team, Abandoman.
Abandoman is a duo made up of Irishman, Rob Broderick, and his sweet sidekick, Sam Wilson. The one-hour show Life And Rhymes was a rollercoaster of rhyme, rhythm and random facts about members of the audience.
Improvisation at its finest (and funniest), Life And Rhymes used audience members' loves, tragedies and fashion faux pas to create a show which was a cross between a stand-up comedy gig and a witty hit hip hop concert. The improvised songs were then interjected with references to popular and trending hits, actors and television series.
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Basing the majority of his jokes on tales told to him by the crowd, Broderick provided refreshing and light-humoured material proving that you can be funny without being political, sexual or too sarcastic — even when taking the mickey out of a complete stranger.
Interacting with the audience and feeding off of them right from the start of the show, Broderick had the crowd engaged and joining in with his mind-blowingly clever raps and telling their own tragic (albeit funny) tales up on stage. While often mishearing an audience member's offering — honestly, who could really be an ex-apricot picker turned cray fisher? — or deeming their names too tricky to rhyme with, Broderick moved through his set like a pro. This unique comedy concept offers the audience unrepeatable songs and jokes at every show.