Album Review: 4ARM - Survivalist

21 April 2015 | 1:26 pm | Brendan Crabb

"'Poisoned Mind' and 'Poverty Of Flesh'’s dizzying leads are the picks of the bunch."

A couple of line-up shifts, including enlisting a new frontman, certainly haven’t impeded these globe-trotting Melbourne metallers’ work ethic.

Now on to their fourth full-length, Survivalist is serviceable, if somewhat derivative melodic thrash. Predominantly taking cues from early Metallica and Testament, singer Markus Johansson’s inflection sometimes echoes Trivium’s Matt Heafy – curious, considering that band were formerly lambasted themselves for being ‘Tallica plagiarists. Poisoned Mind and Poverty Of Flesh’s dizzying leads are the picks of the bunch, but perhaps some arrangements could have been compacted. Solid, albeit a modicum more tangible personality next time would be beneficial.