4 Stuntmen Of The Apocalypse

9 February 2016 | 3:08 pm | Christopher H James

"There were plenty of sharp objects and numerous 'I can't look' moments, as wives openly clawed their husbands' biceps in sheer mortal terror."

The four esteemed stuntmen have pushed the bar perilously high this time. How high? In one word: flamethrowers!

Lord only knows how they got those through customs. Among the jets of flame and great fiery balls, there were plenty of sharp objects and numerous 'I can't look' moments, as wives openly clawed their husbands' biceps in sheer mortal terror, inflicting deep cuts with their lacquered talons. A healthy balance was achieved with some mentalism and a good dollop of humour — all of which made for a sizzling night out.