UK Subs Cancel Aussie ‘Farewell’ Tour

5 September 2013 | 11:00 am | Staff Writer

Promoters pull pin on Aus and New Zealand dates

More UK Subs More UK Subs

English punk rock veterans The UK Subs will not be coming to Australia this month, with the promoter announcing the cancellation of what would have been their final Australian dates.

Intended to kick off Wednesday 25 September at Inglewood, promoter Tim Edwards has now issued a statement cancelling all Australian and New Zealand dates.

“Unfortunately I have to tell you all the upcoming UK SUBS tour of Australia and New Zealand has been cancelled. A press release explaining the circumstances will be available tomorrow, but in the meantime ticket sales have been withdrawn and you will be refunded your money by your ticket seller shortly.”

He added, “Myself and the UK SUBS deeply regret this situation and are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. This sucks.”

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Credit card ticket purchases should be refunded automatically but those who bought cash will need to contact the seller.

Story updated 4.30pm to clarify promoter's position, as per comments below story.