Sydney's Totally Unicorn let their vocalist Drew Gardner’s go on a pub crawl for a day and have it filmed for a new music video. And that's it.
Sydney's Totally Unicorn let their vocalist Drew Gardner’s go on a pub crawl for a day and have it filmed for a new music video. And that's it.
No really, that's the video. Just a bearded man drinking while raw, jagged hardcore music plays over the top of it. Quite simply, that is Australian as fuck.
The song in question is the band's most recent single, 'Space Congratulations', which comes from the oddball hardcore group's debut album, 'Dream Life'. Now, that album will land through The Farmer & The Owl/Inertia on July 29th so you know, keep your eyes peeled for that one.
In a recent press release, Gardner spoke on how the video and "Totally Unicrawl" came about:
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"We were spitballing the 'Space Congratulations' clip and figured a pub crawl would be loads of fun to do, plus it was poignantly reflective of a handful of moments from the DREAM LIFE album. And so the 'Totally Unicrawl' was born. As was the sadness of forgotten memories from the day before... Which happily melded with the lyrics of the song. Perfect!"
This music video really is Australian culture at its best; go for a pub crawl all day and drink it up. Even if you don't like the band's music, it's hard to fault the pure simplicity of such a clip.