The Word Alive addresses lineup changes

7 February 2012 | 4:42 am | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

The Word Alive have released a statement about the recent lineup changes they have faced. The statement addresses the departure of keyboardist Dusty Riach and drummer Justin Salinas, who the band says have left "on the best terms possible".

The Word Alive have released a statement about the recent lineup changes they have faced. The statement addresses the departure of keyboardist Dusty Riach and drummer Justin Salinas, who the band says have left "on the best terms possible".

Read the full statement from the band below:

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"We come before you, to officially announce the departure of our brothers Dusty Riach, and Justin Salinas. And that is exactly what they are, brothers. TWA and TeamTWA are a family, and it will remain that way. This might come to a shock to many of you, and that is ok. Member changes are never fun for fans to hear, or bands to go through. Reality is though, they happen. And in this case, we're not only leaving on the best terms possible but as long as all the details get worked out, both Dusty and Justin will be playing EXTREME THING in Las Vegas NV on March 31st with us for their farewell show. So make sure you come out and support them, and us, as we all move forward!

That being said, what everyone wants to know, aside from juicy drama, which we're sorry to report there is none... Is what are we doing moving forward, and how will this effect going into the studio in a couple days. So here you go:

The fact is that Dusty and us mutually agreed to part ways a month ago, after we decided the writing process and touring just weren't working out. Dusty is a great keyboard/synth player, and has always added a good amount to the band. He's a great performer, and as you know, nobody does keyboard handstands like him. He's also an original member, and will be missed. We wish him the best of luck as he pursues different paths in his life. As he states below, we're always going to be a family.

As for Justin, you'll read in his statement below that he just fell out of love with drums. He definitely was a light in our band. He's one of the funniest people we've all ever known, good hearted and when he came into this band we knew he belonged right away. He's one of the hardest hitting badass drummers out there, and we appreciated all of his hard work in TWA. He'll be starting a new life post-touring in Portland OR and we wish him the best. DG4lyfe.


YES we will. Tony and Zack have been programming some of the most insane parts along with writing guitars and drum parts for the new record. We're very confident that you guys will be more than happy with what we produce for this album in that department. That being said, we will not be replacing Dusty on the keys. We will be sampling our keyboard/synth/electronic parts completely and moving forward as a 5-piece.

As far as drums go, we're a band that tour constantly. Mostly all the drums were programmed in, and then recorded by Justin on the last cd. This process will be the same. We're having a close friend of the band, and great drummer record the drums on this album for us, most of which Zack and Tony have written for their perspective songs. We DO have a new drummer who we will be welcoming in after the studio process, and once you see what he can do, you guys will be even more excited to see us live with what he can bring to the table. We've always been a band, that while we appreciate what our past members have done for the band, we try to progress and improve if we're going to replace someone. That isn't a shot at any of our past members, but we know that you guys deserve the best, and we'll make sure we provide that. We're really excited about the future of the band, and stand by the statement that this will be our best body of work so far. We hope you're ready to dominate 2012 with us, because that is exactly what we intend on doing. Thank you so much TeamTWA for standing by us, we will continue as long as you guys remain the best fans in the world. Over and out, Telle Zack Tony & Daniel."

In addition, Riach and Salinas have released their own individual statements.

Salinas' statement:

"The past two years have been the most insane, amazing years of my life. I've made so many new friends and toured the entire world with my best friends.

While writing for the new cd and having time off in Arizona I found myself at a crossroads. Continue doing what I was doing because it's all I've known the past 8 years of my life and tour... or come home for the first time and hang up the drum gloves. I'm hanging up the drum gloves.

I fell out of love with drums. Thats the only way I can explain it. I wasn't playing them if I didn't have to. I was feeling like playing drums was a burden, I had no more passion or drive to play.

I wish I had a juicy drama filled story of some badass band beef, but I don't. I love Telle, Tony, Zack, Dusty, Daniel and our entire crew, yes, even brian;) with all my heart. I love our music. I love the new music. But PLAYING drums for a living is not what I want to do anymore. I've been touring full time since i was 18 and now im an old, old, tired 26yr old man that just wants to take another path for once.

My band are my brothers and they would do ANYTHING for me and I would do the same for them. Being gone constantly is just too much for me these days and seeing our year planned out kept eating me up inside.

I thank every single person that i've had the pleasure of meeting at shows, all the bands we've toured with and all the companies that went the extra mile for me/us.

From the bottom of my heart, you all truly changed my life and gave me an experience I will never forget.

If there's one thing I've learned from being in The Word Alive it's; never play music for any reason other than you genuinely LOVE it. These are the hardest working, passionate, talented, genuine people and musicians i've ever met. Support them because I guarantee to you they put every ounce of themselves in every song and thats what music should be about.

Thanks for every single memory we've shared across the world together. Time for me to stay home. "

Riach's statement:

"I know people are waiting for me to make a statement about not being in the word alive anymore but im just going to leave it at that, I'm not in the band any more. I've decided to explore myself and try other things... Everything was mutual and we are still family... And everyone should just listen to music for music and continue to support the things you enjoy. I really thank everyone who has come out and supported me in my time in the band I hope we can make new times in the future as I will always be making something... I will miss seeing you at shows and I will miss jamming with my brothers..."