Zoltar & Stonehenge: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Share Their The Great Escape Tour Diary

21 May 2019 | 10:30 am | Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

The Great Escape has been and gone but the memories will be forever, especially if they're immortalised in a tour diary like Psychedelic Porn Crumpets'. Check out their trip below.

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With a blue-bird day off in Eastbourne, it was rude not to cop a bit of Vit-E and a hike. A few tinnies by the bay and we were off, not mentally preparing ourselves for the distance and altitude involved in walking up a cliff face. Finding ourselves increasingly more parched as we climbed up & up, until a mirage of a pub reared its head at the top. What are the odds? Pretty good, I’d say. Beers and a Sunday roast were consumed that day before the descent back into Eastbourne.

At the conclusion of The Great Escape, we had the day off on Sunday before our headline show in Portsmouth. I was lucky enough to see Spurs play at their new stadium. The day consisted of getting a train to London, drinking beer, singing and drinking more beer! – Reynolds (bass player)

Magical forces led us on a windy route on our way to Cardiff with an unplanned stop-off at Stonehenge. Made the most of the beaut’ sunny arvo by taking the 2km trail across the paddocks to the stone circle. Posing for obligatory group photo in front of the ancient wonder on the free side of the fence. Wonder if the aliens had to cough up the £25 ($50) to revisit their art installation…

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Rocking up in Hull to the New Adelphi Club, we were surprised to see there was absolutely nothing about it that was “new”. Standing outside, we weren’t convinced that it was even a venue until the staff let us inside. This is when we discovered the rich musical history; Radiohead, Green Day, Oasis, Primal Scream, Pulp... the list goes on. An absolute honour to play on the same stage that the greats first started their legacy on. By far the sweatiest swimming pool of a room we’ve ever played in, that’s for sure.

The Great Escape festival was choccas with talented bands from all across the globe, huddled around a picturesque Brighton seaside. Thanks to Sounds Australia for giving us the opp to play at the waterfront Aussie BBQ. Unfortunately we had to play at the same time as some of our fave acts, including Aussie legends Tropical Fuck Storm. Consolation prize was finding this neat painted rainbow clown rock amongst the masses that lined the shore; next level geo-caching.

So uncovering the mystery of the Zoltar teleportation ring was consuming my day ever so slowly as all the piers along the British coastline seemed to have these mystical mechanical men from the East. But how does one activate such technology, surely a magic quarter? A certain question? One of these days we will break the code. Zoltar speaks but does he do more? 

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets are heading out on tour in celebration of their new album And Now For the Whatchamacallit (out 31 May) from 12 June. Head to theGuide to find out all the info.

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