Vodka Gatorades & New Feet Wrappers: SXSW According To Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

19 March 2019 | 1:08 pm | Staff Writer

"Until the next time SXSW, our cells of the head remain yours."

More Psychedelic Porn Crumpets More Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

South By Southwest 2019 was a big one - and that's certainly reflected in this tour diary from Perth act Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, check it out below.

Day One

Day one of SXSW started off in the usual festival way (accreditation, Subway sandwiches and a motel shootout). The Cohen Brothers saw it coming, Josh Brolin actually used the Austin Motor Inn for his character construction in No Country For Old Men, Javier Bardem has also rated the establishment five butane bottles out of five. What’s a trip without the occasional gun fight though? Highly recommend for first time SXSW goers who seek hidden connotations in Sting's lyrics. Hotel Vegas on the other hand was absolutely pumping. John Dwyer was walking around catching sets, the cast of Lion King was handing out mushrooms, and Frankie & The Witch Fingers played one of the greatest sets Texas has ever ear’d and eye-balled. 

Day Two

We woke up Hadookined as usual, hastily making our way to fresh accom with two-ply toilet paper and a latchable door. A rare day off ensued. Bloody Mary’s and a label breakfast was followed by trying to get into Thee Oh Sees, we watched over a fence with the other 50 meerkats and eventually was granted a Levitation visa for Wand. The Dead Meadow closed the night off with a transfixed mass of nodders who looked like they were enduring ten rounds with prime Tyson and perpetually smiling. We later found a speakeasy house party that served free vodka and Gatorades 'til 6am and joyfully wrinkled our faces ‘til the Austin Grime played its last boots and cats. Pockets checked: no items lost. System shutdown.

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Day Three

Bloody Mary’s have become our mantras by day three. Drool freshly swiped from cheeks, we started off by visiting the Vans' house where we got some hangover tokens and new feet wrappers. Later that night we played the Fender Showcase and saw the incredible Melanie Faye who made the next 800 years of music uncompetitive, truly one of the best acts SXSW has ever hosted. We finished the day with a Shiner at a classic Texan diner and slept like Tutankhamen as the sirens of safety lulled their soothing nee-nors.

Day Four

Our final day at ‘South By See How South Your Life Can Possibly Go Before All Directions Are Incoherently Howled Through A Vagabond's Leathered Tongue, “West My Boy! West!!"'. We played with the exceptional White Denim who hosted a picturesque House Party at their vintage studio, Radio Milk. Brimmed with gear from all eras, tubes the size of Dwayne Johnson and knowledge fit for Nostrildamus (intended), the bar for excellence has been posted. We closed the night off at Burgermania, again at Hotel Vegas where we swapped friendships with all who marched onwards. Until the next time SXSW, our cells of the head remain yours.

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