Paces, KLP and Elizabeth Rose provide some great advice for budding producers

1 December 2016 | 10:53 am | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

Want to know how you can become the best producer you can? Paces, KLP and Elizabeth Rose dish their best tips to get you started.

Want to know how you can become the best producer you can? The Electronic Music Conference was held in Sydney this week, and a variety of your favourite artists and music industry leaders were dishing out some great advice, for those wanting to get into the thriving Australian electronic music industry.

Obviously, not everyone would have been able to travel to Sydney for this momentous occasion, so we tapped Paces, KLP and Elizabeth Rose, three of the most in-demand producers right now, to give you guys some tips.

Elizabeth Rose

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"My advice to aspiring producers is to not follow a "trending sound". It is so important in this day and age to be forward-thinking in your work and fresh in your approach because of the overwhelming amount of music that's coming out every single day all over this planet. Stand out or fade out!"


"It's all about the song. If you can strip back all the fancy production, and sit there and play the song just on a piano or guitar, then you know you're onto something good."


"If you're ever stuck for inspiration, try just learning something new. Anything. Whether it's a bit of chord theory or a youtube tutorial about compression, there's nothing more inspiring than having a new trick up your sleeve. Whenever I learn something new it unlocks the door to a whole bunch of ideas. When I learnt how chords work I just wrote chords for weeks and weeks because I was fascinated by them, and that ended up forming the basis of my album!"

Take notes kids, because these guys are the real deal!

Words by Lauren Payne