PREMIERE: Haven’t Seen DMA's Live Yet? Check This Out

11 April 2014 | 1:14 pm | Staff Writer

Thank us later

There are a lot of people in Sydney talking about Newtown's DMA's (and the plethora of splinter groups) and that chatter is spreading around the country at the moment.

The band, who signed to I OH YOU in February, recently released their debut EP. It features tracks like Play It Out, Feels Like 37 and lead single Delete – which is the track most people are tripping over themselves to hype up.

The trio have only played a handful of shows (including their 'first' at the Beach Road and then another free launch show at Dues Ex Machina) and the demand is growing. Earlier this week they added extra shows in Sydney and Melbourne to their first east coast tour after sell-outs.

If you can't wait any longer to see them, then we may have something to tide you over. The core trio – and mates – were recently in Sydney's 301 Studios and delivered a stunning version of Delete, which was capture on camera.

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We're pretty chuffed to be able to premiere the end result below today:


DMA's tour dates are in theGuide below: