Petition Launched To Protest Having Live Sharks In New Adelaide Nightclub

6 January 2016 | 1:27 pm | Neil Griffiths

Thousands protest.

Over 35,000 people have signed a petition calling for the owner of a new Adelaide nightclub to reconsider putting live hammerhead sharks in a large tank at the venue to attract customers.

In what many are slamming as animal cruelty, the Atlantis Lounge Bar which is to open early this year is planning on adding two 60cm-1.5m hammerhead sharks inside a 3m x 3.5 tank, which will not require government approval as they are not a protected species. 

A statement on the petition reads, "Sharks do not belong in captivity for amusement, let alone in a dark night club with loud music & flashing lights. Help petition against this in the hope they reconsider their ideas!!"

Meanwhile a message directed to owner Nathan Buttigieg says, "Please reconsider your idea of hammerhead sharks in your night club. It is cruel and unnecessary, sharks do not belong in captivity, they belong in the ocean."

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Since being set up two weeks ago with a goal of 50,000 signatures, the petition now requires just over 13,000 to reach its goal. 

The nightclub's Facebook page has also been bombarded with angry comments from users who are upset about the idea of live sharks being used inside the venue.

Speaking to The Advertiser last month, Buttigieg revealed incredibly elaborate plans for the multimillion-dollar venue which includes a 25,000 litre aquarium with mermaids, a 2.5m champagne fountain, acrobats, gold plated toilets, an onyx wall, the "world’s largest" Agate bar worth more than $450,000, a chauffeur service and champagne bottles priced up to $100,000.

"We want to try to attract other states to us and bring high profile clients down and offer them lifts into the city," Buttigieg said.

"It’s just going to be a wow factor for Adelaide."

The Music is awaiting further comment from Buttigieg and the Adelaide City Council.