Perth Singer Goes Viral With ‘Pokemon Go’ Rap

21 July 2016 | 2:20 pm | Staff Writer

“How long are you able to listen to this for? Fuck me."

The latest to capitalise on the Pokemon Go revolution, WA-based rapper Complete has gone viral with his latest single.

Pokemon Flow dropped on Monday night and has racked up more than 280,000 views since.

Its video sees Complete sample classic Gameboy sounds while cycling through a wealth of Pokemon references as a less-than-convincing Pikachu dances in the background.

The song comes undone in the final seconds when Complete seems to condone an act of sexual violence against women.

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“I have only seen a few haters who probably watched Digimon as kids,” Complete said after it took off.

“Much respect for all the love and good luck on your quest to catch ‘em all.”

The Complete tune follows on from art-rock legends The Stiffys producing a Pokemon Go anthem early this month and WA comedian Rory Lowe making headlines for his Kings Park prank.

Lowe was not a fan of Pokemon Flow, commenting, “How long are you able to listen to this for? Fuck me,” on Facebook.