Perth MP Pushes For Motion To Include Arts Sector In JobKeeper Scheme

14 April 2020 | 2:50 pm | Dan Cribb

“The only thing standing between the arts community and support through the JobKeeper program is the Treasurer’s signature."

Fraeya @ WAMFest. Pic by Linda Dunjey.

Fraeya @ WAMFest. Pic by Linda Dunjey.

Perth Labor MP Patrick Gorman has thrown his support behind the arts sector amid the COVID-19 crisis, pushing a notice of motion to the House of Representatives for the industry to be included in the JobKeeper program.

Last week it was revealed that the $130 billion JobKeeper package was passed by Parliament without changes that would support the arts and entertainment industry.

“This sector is crucial to our economy and is vital to telling Australia’s story,” Gorman told The Music.

“In the Perth community, the sector normally employs thousands - including at major events like the Perth Fringe Festival.”

Gorman added that, while it was “disappointing that the next sitting of Parliament is not currently scheduled to sit until August this year”, if they do sit in April or May, he will seek to have the motion listed for debate that week.

“In the meantime, the motion is one way of putting pressure on the Government to change their position,” he said.

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“Labor is encouraging members of the Arts community to continue its push to gain access to the JobKeeper package. Under the laws, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has the power to extend the program to those who currently miss out.

“The only thing standing between the arts community and support through the JobKeeper program is the Treasurer’s signature. I will continue fighting for the arts community.”

You can read the motion below.