Mullum Music Festival Announces Youth Mentorship Winners

22 October 2015 | 10:37 am | Staff Writer

Winners are grinners.

As it has done for the past eight years, Mullum Music Festival has committed itself to mentoring young talent through the Youth Mentorship Program and this year's winners, spanning across a number of diverse categories have been announced. 

See below for the full list of winners and their respective mentors. 

Band Category Don Narli. Mentored by MT WARNING.

Vocal Category - Emma Whines. Mentored by Anne McCue.

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Singer Songwriter Category Squeak Lemaire. Mentored by Loren Kate.

Under 15 Category - Chloe Xaviera. Mentored by Bethany Jolly.

Director's Pick Bridget & Monica Brandolini. Mentored by Glenn Wright.

Speaking on the Mentorship program, festival director Glenn Wright said, "It’s exciting to see young emerging acts in their artistic infancy". 

"You have this feeling in your bones that in a few years, they are going to be doing something special."

The category winners will each receive an hour-long session with their mentor, a 20 minute performance at the 2015 Mullum festival and backstage access to watch their mentor perform. 

For more information on next month's event, head to the official website or check out our dedicated festivals tab.