WATCH: The Merindas Share An Exclusive Performance Of Their Track 'Drumfire'

5 June 2020 | 3:04 pm | Jessica Dale

The Merindas' debut album, 'We Sing Until Sunrise (Ngaangk Nookertiny Ngala Warangka)', is out today!

More The Merindas More The Merindas

The Music team fell in love with The Merindas at BIGSOUND a couple of years back and have been waiting for the release of their debut album ever since. 

Today's finally the day with Candice Lorrae and Kristel Kickett sharing their LP, We Sing Until Sunrise (Ngaangk Nookertiny Ngala Warangka).

To celebrate the album's release, the pair have shared an exclusive performance of their track Drumfire with The Music today. 

"Drumfire is a reminder for people to stand up for what they believe in. We all have a fire burning inside when we feel empowered by each other," shared Lorrae and Kickett. 

"Our most powerful leaders carried unbelievable courage and never gave up the fight against injustices. This song is a tribute to our ancestors, elders and First Nations people that bring communities together and continue the fight for land rights, justice and continue practices of our rich culture. Noongar words 'Ngang Karla Noonook Karla' translates to ‘my fire your fire’."

Watch the performance here and read our recent interview with The Merindas here.

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We Sing Until Sunrise (Ngaangk Nookertiny Ngala Warangka) is out today, head here to listen.