Little May Takes Us Behind The Scenes Of New LP 'Blame My Body'

3 May 2019 | 12:56 pm | Staff Writer

"This was a pretty magical weekend."

Described as “unapologetic and powerful” by The Music, the second LP from Little May, Blame My Body, doesn’t let up for a second.

The Australian singer-songwriter gave us a glimpse at life in the studio during its recording.

This is where the first recording of the album began, at my parents beautiful home in Laguna, NSW, in 2017. We came here to record demos, but ended up using two of these recordings as the final versions on the album.

This is the makeshift studio Rob Muinos (co-producer and lead guitarist) created in the Laguna house. In hindsight, this was a pretty magical weekend and setup. We recorded They Can See and River here as demos. We could never quite recreate those first takes. After trying to re-record them at The Grove on the Central Coast, they didn’t quite feel the same. So the original demos ended up as the final versions on the album.

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It was the middle of summer, so in between takes the five of us (Hannah, Rob, Cat, Mark and I) would have swims and a few cheeky beers. Actually, Rob was always working, so he didn’t get as many swims. Sorry, Rob.

This album moved to many locations. Hannah lives in Melbourne, and I live on the Central Coast, NSW. We got together in Sydney at her parents' place in Annandale, and I set up some gear in their kitchen. This is us recording the first demo of Blame My Body, the title track of the album.

We then took the songs to The Grove on the Central Coast. This happened sometime after that initial weekend in Laguna. The Grove is a stunning studio and place, and this is the live room where we recorded everything. Thanks to Rob’s style of producing and recording, a lot of this album was recorded live. We would go well into the early hours, doing take after take until we all got it right. (Photo by Yael Stempler)

Me recording vocals in Coogee. (Photo by Yael Stempler)

Dylan’s dog Bobby John was with us for the whole time in Coogee. He liked to take up most of the couch. To be fair, he deserved it because he is a such a good boy.