Massachusetts metalcore outfit Killswitch Engage have unveiled the first taste of new music to feature on their upcoming studio album.The band premiered new track ‘In Due Time’ recently.“New single 'In Due Time' is available February 5th. The new album Disarm The Descent in stores April 2nd,” the video description reads.‘Disarm the Descent’ is the first full-length since original frontman Jesse Leach rejoined the group.
Massachusetts metalcore outfit Killswitch Engage have unveiled the first taste of new music to feature on their upcoming studio album.
The band premiered new track ‘In Due Time’ recently.
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“New single 'In Due Time' is available February 5th. The new album Disarm The Descent in stores April 2nd,” the video description reads.
‘Disarm the Descent’ is the first full-length since original frontman Jesse Leach rejoined the group.