Five years ago Kill The Matador proclaimed, "We won't be rich but we'll be sane". For some time this line rang true but lately things have changed. These last two years have seen them working towards the release of their debut full length - The Mannequin Citizen. While they're still as poor as ever, extended studio time, multiple masters and numerous deadlines coming and then going have seen them lose their fucking minds. The songs on The Mannequin Citizen truly reflect their descent into insanity. They're loud, they're quiet, they're heavy, they're technical, when you get to the end you're not quite sure how it was you got there, and most of all, they're fucking angry. The disdain for modern Australian society is palpable. It barks of the lyric sheet, into your ear holes and infects your brain with contempt for all our self-constructed failings. Recorded and mixed by Sam Johnson and mastered by Alan Douches this record sounds BIG. Too big to be contained by a puny 4.7 inch compact disc. The Mannequin Citizen will be released exclusively on vinyl, complete with a download code for the modern, tech-savvy punk.
The album is available from their bigcartel page. First 50 sold will be on baby blue vinyl.