Jan Skubiszewski Offers Production Masterclass

8 July 2015 | 5:12 pm | Staff Writer

The Australian producer and Way Of The Eagle mastermind holds recording masterclass in Melbourne

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Jan Skubiszewski, who for the sake of convenience you probably prefer to simply refer to as the Way Of The Eagle guy, is offering a production masterclass at his studio in Melbourne this August for ten lucky participants.

The accomplished Australian producer has scored films, played in influential bands, recently released his own debut album, and recorded music with high profile names such as John Butler, Dan Sultan, and The Cat Empire.

If all this makes him sound like an intimidating guy, fear not; he spoke to theMusic earlier this year, telling us that: "After an hour or two, any nerves or intimidation that might come from working with a well-known artist are gone," and he's offering to teach you how to do the same.

Sessions with Skubiszewski will respectively focus on four days of honing theory, production, recording, and mixing skills, with freelance audio engineer Christian Scallan bringing his experience to the table on the final day.

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The workshops themselves will be held from August 11 - 14 at Way Of The Eagle Studios, 2/2 Victoria Road, Hawthorn East.

For enquiries about registering for the production masterclass, contact