Issues have released an official statement regarding the departure of drummer Case Snedecor.
Issues have released an official statement regarding the departure of drummer Case Snedecor.
The statement is as follows:
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As you have probably heard by now, we have parted with our drummer, Case Snedecor. The split was completely amicable and had little to do with personal differences, but more so disconnects with the style and musical direction of the band overall. This is by no means the end of the road for Case’s musical endeavors. We love and support him and can’t wait to see what’s next for him. He is an incredible person and great drummer. We will never forget all the memories we’ve made together and we’re positive our paths will cross again. This may be hard for some of you to hear, especially considering the lineup changes we have already experienced in our short history, but we promise we are in this for the long haul and remain committed to making music and meeting as many of you as we can. Follow him on twitter (@casesned) and Facebook ( to stay in the know. Read on for some words from Case.
Everyone starts these the same; “It comes with great difficulty to say this….”
Issues and I have parted ways. We have musical differences as well as some personal differences. I know this leaves a lot of questions and most bands use this as a reason to leave but honestly, this is probably the truth for most bands having member changes.
Issues aside, I had a great time touring. I met some of the coolest people in my entire life. I wouldn’t trade my experiences this past year for Emma Watson. Being a touring musician has molded me into who I am and it’s just a small glimpse of what I plan to do in the future.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
I love you all,
-Case Snedecor