'I’ve Had Enough': The 1975 Vocalist Matty Healy Gets Honest During Adelaide Gig

13 April 2023 | 12:22 pm | Mary Varvaris

"I can’t perform off the stage anymore as I just want to be a bloke.”

(Pic by Samuel Bradley)

More The 1975 More The 1975

Matty Healy, the charismatic and sometimes controversial vocalist of The 1975, has gotten candid during the band’s current At Their Very Best Australian tour.

Speaking in Adelaide on Monday, the singer confirmed that he no longer wants to “perform” offstage, and as such, deactivated his social media accounts. 

As the Evening Standard reports, Healy explained his decision to step back from being online, “It’s because everything happens in eras. The 1975 is a very eras band. The era of me being a fucking arsehole is coming to an end. I’ve had enough.”

He continued, “I perform all the time, and it’s my job, and I love doing this, but I can’t perform off the stage anymore as I just want to be a bloke.”

This isn’t the first time Healy has stepped back from the social media limelight, Billboard reports,

In 2020, he apologised for sharing a link to the politically charged The 1975 song, Love It If We Made It, when he posted the following tweet: “If you truly believe that ‘ALL LIVES MATTER’ you need to stop facilitating the end of black ones.”

After receiving criticism for the inappropriate nature of promoting his music while discussing systemic racism and police brutality in the US, he posted, “Sorry I did not link my song in that tweet to make it about me it’s just that the song is literally about this disgusting situation and speaks more eloquently than I can on Twitter.”

Healy made headlines a few months ago when he ate a chunk of raw meat on stage at Madison Square Garden. After consuming the meat, he looked at the stage's stack of televisions playing news clips about concerning world events before doing pushups.

In an apparent display of critiquing masculinity, the meat-eating occurred before Healy did the pushups and after he sat on a couch with a hand on his crotch. "Sorry if you brought your Dad to the show and I was touching my dick…. that's your fault for bringing your Dad," he told the audience.

At the first show of the Australian tour, our reviewer noted that Healy wasn’t just singing songs on stage. “Proxy wars and humanitarian affairs, JP Morgan and the avengers of the financial crisis are next on the agenda for Matty. This isn’t just a concert; this is a TED Talk. 

‘It’s not about you bitches. They don’t give a fuck about you,’ he said. ‘Just play the song’, yells a heckler or two,” which is when the band charged into Love It If We Made It. Read the full review here.