Hightime Get The Party Started With ‘Splitside’ Clip

8 June 2016 | 3:52 pm | Daniel Cribb

The Adelaide punk rockers know how to throw down

More Hightime More Hightime

Adelaide punk rock four-piece Hightime know how to party, as evident during their stint supporting The Bennies around the country earlier this year.

They’ve kept the party going for their latest music video, inviting close mates over and throwing an epic backyard gig for Splitside.

“No bells, no whistles, just mates, free beers, and an evening no one actually remembers with any clarity,” the band said.

You can catch Hightime on the road in July and August on the Splitside tour, during which they’ll play Sublime classics (at select shows) followed by an originals set.

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It kicks off with a hometown show Jul 2 at Jive in Adelaide and you can find all other dates in theGuide.

Hightime’s latest record, Mother Crab, is out now via Pee Records.