Maybe you've been thinking lately, 'Hey, it's been a while since I've heard a new Hellions song...'. Well, you are in luck because the band released a new single on this fine Tuesday morning.
Maybe you've been thinking lately, 'Hey, it's been a while since I've heard a new Hellions song...'. Well, you are in luck because the band has released a new single on this fine Tuesday morning.
The new song, 'Quality Of Life', is more or less the usual Hellions sound we've come to expect, but it has one of the biggest choruses the group has put down on a song to date. It's also the first Hellions tune to have singer Dre Fairve actually sing. And while it's not that radically different, it's actually pretty good. In a recent press release statement, the vocalist said this about the song:
"We're so proud to present “Quality Of Life” to the world and to be able to express ourselves on a topic that has directly affected all of us in one way or another. And based on what we've experienced in our travels, general interactions and conversations, there are people who might not quite understand the way that anyone chasing art lives their life. There was this euphoric sense of freedom while recording this song that is still alive when we play it together. We're passionate about being yourself and living your life the way you want to live it; I think this song is a testament to that."
Now, sure, the overall message of the song - living your own life for you and no one else, no matter what others think - is a pretty typical and general theme as far as this style of music goes, but the song itself sounds like a long-lost cousin of 'Indian Summer', and we can totally get behind that. Check it out below and count the days down until their third album is inevitably announced.
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