Hear 'Someone Who'll Get It', The First Taste Of Highasakite's New Album

29 January 2016 | 4:51 pm | Staff Writer

The Norwegian outfit are slated to release the follow-up to 'Silent Treatment' this year

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Norwegian indie-poppers Highasakite may have taken a step back from the spotlight in 2015, following the wave of acclaim that washed over them after 2014's celebrated Silent Treatment LP, but they're stepping back into it with one of their darkest offerings to date.

Someone Who'll Get It, the band's new single and first taste of their forthcoming follow-up to Silent Treatment, delivers a brooding and ominous soundscape built around fleeting discord, punctuating gunshots, a prominent bottom end and an inescapable sense of attitude and maturity that rockets to infectious heights at every chorus turn. It's little surprise, though, given the song is born of attention to wider conflicts than those fought solely within the confines of one's own mind.

"The theme of the album is war and terrorism," vocalist Ingrid Helene Havik explained in a statement. "Not the war at home, like Silent Treatment, but what is going on in the world right now."

However, Havik says, the track — and the album on which it will appear — does not carry any real political agenda with its messages.

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"It's not a political album in that sense that I want people to side with [a] specific party or mindset, but it has been central in my life," she said. "There are not many love songs on the album, because I haven't been in that state of mind for a long time. Global warming and war have been my main concern."

As you can tell, it's all pretty cheery stuff. Someone Who'll Get It is out now via Caroline Australia, with Highasakite expecting to release their follow-up to Silent Treatment later this year.

Hook in and get hypnotised by the beauty of Someone Who'll Get It below, then... wait patiently for the full-length. At the very least, you have a new tune to spin over and over while you pass the time, so that's a definite plus. 

To keep tabs on the band's movements in the near future, head to Facebook and swing them a Like.