Flying Lotus: People Thought I Was 'Fucking Crazy'

28 February 2013 | 1:55 pm | Sally Anne Hurley

The producer’s use of computers to make music wasn’t understood by everyone.

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Experimental producer Flying Lotus has admitted that many people thought his method of using a computer to make music was “fucking crazy”.

The beat maestro was speaking on the fourth episode of the new Red Bull Music Academy series HΔSHTAG$, which looks at the influence of Internet culture on music.

“When I got on, it wasn't cool to use a computer to make music,” Lotus said in the ep. “When I was doing this shit, people we're looking at me like I was fucking crazy.”

Lotus said that at the time beat music started to really take formation in the mid-2000s, it was hard to imagine it blowing up the way it has.

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“What keeps it going is the fact that there's no label on what it's supposed to be, other than whatever we play is going to shake the club.”

The mini-documentaries have looked at a number of sub-genres that have been created and influenced by the online generation including Cloud Rap & Alt R&B.

Here are the links to the other eps that have been released if you wanna check them out.