As we're sure you've heard by now, Kanye West delivered one of the most memorable acceptance speeches at this year's MTV Video Music Awards, unleashing a stream-of-slightly-addled-consciousness message about the future and still not understanding awards shows, before capping off his speech with the surprise proclamation that he'll be running for President of the United States in 2020.
Well, we say bloody onya, Yeezy. People might reflexively look to criticise West with potential reasons as to why he'd make a bad president — lest we forget the fact that current POTUS Barack Obama once referred to him as a 'jackass' — but we're more likely to look at our own leadership and think, 'Hey, maybe Kanye's got a chance'.
Because really, when you compare West with our own politicians in charge, it's actually pretty frightening how much better a candidate he seems from here. After all, Kanye...
Look at this photo. Just look at it. Look at how happy Kanye is. This is a guy that's not ashamed to be talking about boats. All kinds of boats. Big ones, little ones, ones that may or may not be floating off the west coast of Australia. Man, we'd probably have SO MANY conversations about 'em if he was in charge.
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Back when the world briefly cared about actively bringing down the tyrannically rich "one percent" of Wall Street with Occupy protests around the globe, Kanye was one of a handful of celebrities that got out in public and stood in solidarity with the common people shouting themselves hoarse for societal change.
Incidentally enough, this entry was originally going to be demonstrated with a photo of a smiling Kanye holding a sign at the demonstrations that read "Very Important Protestor" but we're pretty sure it's a Photoshop job so you'll have to make do with the actual footage. It's unfortunate for us, but fortunate for Kanye's standing as an actually decent person.
Remember the time Kanye explained his fashion-design genius in the context of smash-hit animated comedy Wreck-It Ralph? Or, more specifically, "that girl in there … The Glitch? You’re telling me they don’t look at me like the motherfucking Glitch? You’re telling me that people don’t look at Kanye West like the Glitch right now? And she was on the side of the video game. The whole time!"
Yeah, that still made more sense than most of what comes out of our ministers' mouths these days, to be honest.
Perhaps we should know better, but we think there's something to be said for trusting a world-leadership position to a man who takes his style inspiration from the wood elves, even if it's a look that's more specifically clearly influenced by Legolas' less-successful, depressed cousin, Gary ("just Gary").
Either way, it beats taking aesthetic cues from a century's worth of old men in suits and blue ties, that's for sure.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Vote Kanye.