EXCLUSIVE: Darren Hanlon Announces New Album & Tour

22 January 2015 | 11:34 am | Staff Writer

A lot happening for the singer-songwriter at the moment

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There's a lot going on in the world of local singer-songwriter Darren Hanlon at the moment, with the muso announcing details of his new album and upcoming tour today.

Hanlon has confirmed he will be unveiling his fifth studio album, titled Where Did You Come From? this March. The LP is the singer's first full-length in about five years and has been inspired by a lot that Hanlon has experienced in that time, including a recent trip to the US, where he recorded a great deal of the material.

The album is slated for released on 2 Mar, just a couple of days after his national tour kicks off. Hanlon will be on the road from the end of Feb as part of the Nannup Festival in WA, and will then venture everywhere from Fremantle to Hobart, Darwin to Katoomba, Sydney to Melbourne. Tickets are available now and you can find the details in theGuide and The Music App.

For now, here's a taste of Where Did You Come From? with its lead single:

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