Enfold Darkness lose drummer

30 April 2012 | 3:48 pm | Staff Writer
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Enfold Darkness has announced the amicable departure of drummer Jack Blackburn, who has left the group to join another band. According to Enfold Darkess, Blackburn "received an offer from another band that he could not refuse."

Enfold Darkness has announced the amicable departure of drummer Jack Blackburn, who has left the group to join another band. According to Enfold Darkess, Blackburn "received an offer from another band that he could not refuse."

Enfold Darkness founder Matt Brown comments: "Jack's aggressive black metal/technical death metal drumming mastery, characterized by fast double bass, blast beats of all kinds, and insanely quick tom sweeps mixed in with syncopated cymbal hits complimented our sound and helped make it what it is today. I will always be very thankful that he came along when he did and for all the hard work that he put in during our formative years."

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The band has now been rejoined by former drummer Josh Brown, who is also Matt Brown's brother. Enfold Darkness states that "Josh has come a long way since he drummed for us in 2006, and we are more than confident that he will be able to pull off our material with ease."