Darkc3ll Announce New EP And Tour Dates

5 March 2015 | 1:56 pm | Staff Writer

The Brisbane shock-rockers are back!

More Darkc3ll More Darkc3ll

Brisbane industrial-rock four-piece Darkc3ll have a lot on the horizon over the coming months, with a new EP and tour confirmed.

The shock-rockers will unleash Devolve Destroy to fans on Wednesday, 1 Apr through Brisbane indie metal and rock label RTD Records. The EP can be pre-ordered here.

In the few weeks following the release, Darkc3ll will perform a run of shows along the east coast, kicking off in their home city of Brissy next month and finishing up on Friday, 1 May at the Gold Coast.

Details are in theGuide and The Music App.

For now, here's one of Devolve Destroy's singles, Hollywood Scars for you to sink your teeth into:

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