Aussie Country Music Star Alleges Abuse From Big Names In Music Industry

16 November 2022 | 10:45 am | Mary Varvaris

"You should not have taken advantage of me and then blamed me and spread many, many lies and rumours throughout the years to benefit your career."

(Source: Facebook)

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CONTENT WARNING: This article contains discussions of sexual assault. If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, or domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit 

Australian country music star Catherine Britt posted a series of videos on Facebook where she says she experienced abuse as a teenager and into her twenties. 

The five-time Golden Guitar winner has alleged, "These people touched me inappropriately when I was young, took advantage of me when I was young, had sex with me when I was underage, tried to have sex with me when I was underage."

The first video posted finds Britt explaining that she's clearing her reputation after people have "talked shit" about her, and she's sick of it. She said, "You know what I find amazing is that more and more, as I get older, the more bullshit comes out about me and my past and using it against me.

"And you know what, I'm getting to a point where I just want to say something. I just want to fight back. I could write an autobiography, I could ruin people's lives, ruin people's careers, but you know, I've always taken the high road. I've always tried to be the bigger person when people put me down and talked shit about me online and done all this stupid shit to make me feel littler than I am."

She continued, "I'm getting to a point where I need to speak up. There are so many things I want to address. So, let's do it."

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Britt begins the second video by saying, "Okay, so, step one: When I was younger and started out in the music industry, I was abused by several people in the music industry.

"Big names. People that you all look at as heroes and musical icons. These people touched me inappropriately when I was young, took advantage of me when I was young, had sex with me when I was underage and tried to have sex with me when I was underage. 

"I spent so many years in therapy trying to deal with this shit, and I keep hearing this stuff about how I'm the bad guy, you know, blame the woman. You know, that's the easy way out; just blame the woman.

"Let's not address the situation properly. Let's just blame the girl because why not? That's what we've done in history, so let's do it. Let's not ask any questions; let's not actually address what's going on. Well, I'm sorry, but a young girl in the music industry should not be touched inappropriately by older men. Should not be sexually harassed, should not be used and abused."

She then posted a third video, where she noted, "So, as a mother of two young men I want to raise to be good men, I'll just put this out there: I won't be as shallow and small as you and call you out. You know who you are. You know what you've done to me. You know your history; you know your past. You know the bullshit you've spun; you know the lies you have webbed into your own little freaking fairytales that you want to make the world believe. 

"But, I sleep at night knowing my place in this world, exactly what I've done. Yeah, I'm not perfect. Yeah, I've fucked up, absolutely, because, you know what, I'm a human being. I set out in the music industry when I was twelve - you should've known better. You should've shown me the way. You should've taught me what was right and wrong. You should not have taken advantage of me and then blamed me and spread many, many lies and rumours throughout the years to benefit your career. You know who you are."

Britt signed off with a fourth and final video where she vowed to care for anyone who had also been abused. "I'm fucking sick of it," she said. "Honestly, I'm better than this. For all the women out there who have ever felt like I feel, I have your back—100%. Reach out to me; I will look after you. I will take care of you. They won't."