Brisbane Teenager Ixaras Puts Thousands At Stake For Her Own Music Festival

12 August 2024 | 10:52 am | Emma Newbury

The sixteen-year-old introduces a brand new festival, ‘Happy Feet Fest’.


Ixaras (Source: Supplied)

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Amidst a staggering collapse of some of Australia’s biggest festivals, sixteen-year-old Brisbane teenager Ixaras is breaking the mould to throw her own all-ages music festival via her record label Anti-Dismal. But running that festival is a major risk.

With Anti-Dismal’s cult following in tow, Ixaras begins to work on her biggest project yet, a fully-fledged music festival. The festival, named Happy Feet Fest, will take place on 1st September at Moorooka Club House and features no age limit for music fans. 

“Wanted to make this series to inspire people to take risks, don’t usually get vulnerable with my business, but it’s important to remember the journey on how to achieve success is all about learning,” Ixaras wrote on Instagram yesterday (11 August).

Discussing her love for hosting spaces for live music for young people, the musician and entrepreneur opened up about the difficulties and risks that come with what she does—the potential loss of thousands of dollars putting on an event like Happy Feet Fest.

“I realised to make your business grow, you have to take a chance. So I’m about to do my most ambitious project yet,” she said. “I’m running my first-ever festival, and it’s probably the biggest risk I’ve ever taken so far in my career.”

Outlining said risk, Ixaras continued, “I want the show to be accessible and affordable to people, so I’m making tickets $25 for early bird.”

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For the next six weeks, until the festival goes ahead, tickets will remain at that price as Ixaras consistently works to create demand for the show.

Explaining that she needs to ensure people want to attend because otherwise, she’ll be losing “a lot of money,” Ixaras said, “Lucky for you, I’ll be documenting the whole process, so enjoy episode 1: Teenager trying to run their first-ever festival. Hopefully, it inspires you to take a risk as well.”

For Brisbane music lovers, the teen punk prodigy Ixaras (Ixara Dorizac) is slowly becoming a household name.

First coming onto the scene at age 14, Ixaras slowly opened up the youth artist market, championing other youngsters to get out and make music via her DIY record label and event management company, Anti-Dismal. 

Anti-Dismal, described as advocating for inclusivity of under-18s in the music scene, has so far arranged a slew of DIY shows across Brisbane. It has supported not only local sensations big and small but also some of Brisbane’s key cultural hubs, such as Back Dock Arts and Parliament Skate Shop. Their latest signing includes garage rock act Miss Mardy.

“[Of Anti-Dismal] It's a platform I use to foster youth-based sound,” Dorizac told The Music in an interview with Tione Zylstra. "I think what I'm doing with Anti-Dismal is hopefully going to encourage the next generation of music."

Amongst Ixaras herself and recent signing Miss Mardy, the line-up is set to contain local act Melaleuca, Canberra punk band Sonic Reducer, and Dust and Catgut from Sydney. Triple J Unearthed High Yearbook student Jemzel will also be taking the stage, along with triple j Unearthed High 2018 winner KIAN. Last but not least is The Belair Lip Bombs, who recently signed to Jack White’s label, Third Man Records

While the festival climate remains glum, this teenage muso knows the risks being taken and is going against the grain anyway, stating:

Happy Feet started in response to the festival climate of Australia right now. With all of these iconic events being canceled the kids are bored and itching for live music. So we did what any sane person would do, we decided fuck it, lets just to run our own festival.

Tickets to Happy Feet Fest can be purchased for a flat rate of only $25 here.