Fyre Festival's Andy King Bigger Than Any Rock Star At BIGSOUND

5 September 2019 | 10:56 am | Lauren Baxter

Andy King gave BIGSOUND a baptism of Fyre.

He was all anyone could talk about when Netflix's Fyre Festival doco dropped and now he's the talk of BIGSOUND. Do we even need to mention his name? The line into Andy King's long-awaited keynote snaked down a flight of stairs into the women's bathroom (yep, there were men lining up in there) as delegates pushed and shoved their way into Cloudland's Rainbow Room. 

While no cheese sandwiches were on offer - seems like a missed opportunity for catering - King captured the packed crowd's attention for an hour of straight Fyre chat. 

Between the blowjob jokes (bringing the biggest chuckles) and the bonkers stories from on the ground, King shared insights with Secret Sound's Paul Pitico and Jessica Ducrou about life in the event biz. 

Admitting that he'll never eat a cheese sandwich again and then speaking about his experiences at what's been called Fyre Festival 2.0, Ultra (we've got excellent video footage of King gurning), King's passion for sustainability and zero waste events shone through the laughs. 

King elaborated on talking points covered in our recent feature with him - he's definitely got his lines - but he knew how to work the room and what jokes would work. “How do you want to pay for it? American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Andy King?" Cue uproarious laughter. 

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As for what's next for Andy King? He didn't/couldn't say a lot but did confirm a new TV show and podcast is in the works along with the fact he's working with a well-known water bottle brand. Let's just hope it's not plastic.