Andrew Jackson Jihad Change Name Out Of Respect For Islam

25 February 2016 | 11:30 am | Staff Writer

"We are very sorry to any people the name has offended"

US folk-punk vets Andrew Jackson Jihad have stepped towards a more inclusive future with the announcement that, effective immediately, they have officially changed their band name to a "simple, familiar abbreviation": AJJ.

The band made the announcement via their social media this morning (AEST), explaining that the impetus for the shift in moniker is largely two-fold — firstly, they have come to understand and appreciate that their original brand was a bit of a slap in the face to Muslims and, secondly, they're just a bit over their youthful obsession with the seventh President of the United States.

"We are not Muslims, and as such, it is disrespectful and irresponsible for us to use the word jihad in our band's name," AJJ wrote in the post, continuing, "We no longer wish to be a living reminder of president Andrew Jackson. Interesting historical figure as he was, he was an odious person and our fascination with him has grown stale.

"We are very sorry to any people the name has offended," they wrote. "We would like to thank those who have reached out over the years to let us know that the name is problematic, especially those who reached out with kindness. Had we known in 2004 that we would still be making music together 12 years later, we most certainly would have chosen a more thoughtful name from the start."

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The band go on to explain that the new initialism also feels a more fitting name after more than a decade of playing and touring together, providing something of a blank canvas for fans to interpret the truncated words as they please.

"The name AJJ fits us better than Andrew Jackson Jihad," they wrote. "It has been our nickname for those in the know forever. It hearkens back to the great skatepunk bands like JFA, FYP, LFO, etc… It also retains, even amplifies the quality that I liked about the name Andrew Jackson Jihad; that it can be interpreted in different ways.

"Now that we are AJJ we can be 'Arizona Juvenile Justice', 'Anonymous Junk Jugglers', 'Actress January Jones' … the possibilities are endless and we're very excited to see what you all come up with."

To bolster the excitement of their new chapter further, AJJ have unveiled new track Now That I'm At The Top Of My Game, a fittingly titled ditty recorded in Dallas with John Congleton during sessions for the band's forthcoming album.

Check out the track and its accompanying clip, along with AJJ's full post, below.


Hi Gang! Big news today.We are officially changing our name from Andrew Jackson Jihad to the simple, familiar...

Posted by Andrew Jackson Jihad on Wednesday, February 24, 2016