Fem Grems is an art project straight from the loins of three unique, gremlin-esque young women.Accumulated over many moons of garage jams, musical storytelling and tomfoolery, The Fem Grems were born under the means of authentic collaboration to bring to you their sensical nonsense and just a bit of fun for the girls... of course.Supported by Sunshine Coast's Citizen Rat and Brave Daisy.Come party into the public holiday and start your Easter right. We can't wait to see ex barstaff legend Annaleise pop her Mo's cherry!Deck on Ranchero opens for pre-event tacos and cocktails from 6.00pmDoors open at 7.00pmThursday 17 April at Mo's Desert Clubhouse$20+BF presale and $25 door / 18+Mo's is a fully licensed venue, all guests are required to show ID on entry.