Hannie Journée et le Yé-Yé Nouveau Debut Show - with special guest Toby May (Switzerland/UK)


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6 April 2025 starting 4:00 am


The Fitzroy Pinnacle

251 St Georges Rd

Fitzroy North

3068 VIC

How much?

From: $12.25


Hannie Journée et le Yé-Yé Nouveau

The Fitzroy Pinnacle


60s' French Girl Pop or Classic Australian Songs ... Why Choose? Hannie Journée et le Yé-Yé Nouveau present a charming mash-up of the Australian Songbook sung in French, in the timeless style of 60s' French Yé-Yé pop. It all began when Hannie Journée (Hannie Day) was playing her father (Greg Arnold - Things of Stone and Wood) some yé-yé songs as they drove across France and he noted that it shared a vibe with The Easybeats, and from there came the light bulb moment ... why choose? Why not put those OZ-French vibes together? So, on April 6 at The Fitzroy Pinnacle, they will debut the idea in gig form. Joined by Luci Floyd on BVs and Vocals (Gush) and Luke Singleton on Drums (Are Drummers Musicians?), it will be one-part indie super group, one-part French chic quartet and one-part good old daggy family band! There'll be dancing, there'll be classic songs that will surprise in their nouveau context but ultimately, there'll be fun, fun, fun, or as we always say ... Le Fun (or at least what we say, once, in our press release) Seeya there, Nos Amis!

Presales $10+BF No Questions Concession, $15+BF General Admission

______________________________The Fitzroy Pinnacle,251 St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North VICDIRECTIONS: 11 Tram line, stop 22 Scotchmer St/ St Georges Rd