Electric State - Single Launch for 'What Do You Want'


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7 March 2025 starting 11:30 am

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From: $13.6


Electric States' single release 'What do you want' is coming ARE YOU READY?!

Blaring sirens, deafening chants, bar climbing and megaphones will be a must as the date is fast approaching when Electric State unleash onto the world their long awaited follow up single 'What do you want', since the award winning bands debut album 'Green Machine'.

'What do you want' is a track that talks about how there will always be people that will tell you how to do the things in your life, saying they know how to do everything, this track is a slap in the face to them!

The single launch will light up Amplifier Bar stage on Friday 7th of March, where crowd participation will be rewarded and encouraged as the WAM award winning Electric State juggernaut unshackle their latest taste of a future album onto the eagerly awaiting International heavy rock community.

This is the gig to be at with opening support from, Who Cares, TROLL and the ever cranking Art of Dysfunction. Don't miss this gig as people will be talking about the door prizes, the cranking music and how their ears are still ringing!

This show will be crazy, loud, high voltage and crowd participation is required! Bring your own #Janisthemegaphone!

Friday, March 7th, Amplifier Bar, Perth - WA, Electric State single launch -  'What do you want'Snatch up the early bird tickets! Also come on down to chat with the awesome 4beerzin podcast team and tell them your funniest crazy stories!