C.W. Stoneking at Marrickville Bowling Club


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15 April 2025 starting 9:30 am

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From: $61.2


C.W. takes a return at Marrickville Bowlo for a second night!

C.W. Stoneking is an Australian/American singer, musician, recording artist. Born in

Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia in the mid 1970s. He has lived and

toured across Australia, the UK, Europe, and the U.S.A. He has independently

released 3 critically acclaimed original full length albums, King Hokum, Jungle

Blues, and Gon’ Boogaloo.He’s performed extensively internationally with various

backing band lineups and as a solo performer, the instrumentation of his musical

groups and recordings mirror the stylistic inspirations of his songwriting, New

Orleans style brass and drums, Traditional African, Caribbean style percussion,

early 20th century blues, jazz, and American folk styled guitar and banjo, gospel

inspired electric guitar and background singing…

C.W. Stoneking’s music and lyrics draw inspiration from a wide spectrum of

musical styles and traditions which he combines to create his own unique sound.