Bigger Boot Saves Christmas @ The Tote Upstairs w/ Mondo Cane & Clara Darcy and the Medicine Women

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2 February 2025 starting 8:00 am

How much?

From: $16.35


On the 2nd of February, the Tote will host Christmas in February. Clara Darcy and the Medicine

Women, Mondo Cane, and Bigger Boot will play their music.

Listen. Dress festive. Hold hands under the mistletoe. Sing!

“Pennies in a stream, falling leaves, a sycamore, Christmas in February. Icy finger waves, ski trails

on a mountain side, Christmas in February. Telegraph cables, they sing down the highway and travel

each bend in the road. People who meet in this romantic setting are so hypnotised by the lovely

evening summer breeze. Warbling of a meadowlark, Christmas in February. Telegraph cables, they

sing down the highway and travel each bend in the road. People who meet in this romantic setting

are so hypnotised by the lovely evening summer breeze. Warbling of a meadowlark, Christmas in

February. You and I and Christmas in February (Christmas in February).