Ben Portsmouth - This Is Elvis

Search Gigs


12 July 2025 starting 9:30 am


The Palms at Crown

Crown Entertainment Complex, 8 Whiteman Street


3006 VIC

How much?

From: $69.96
To: $89.9



Running Times: Doors - 6:45pm Start - 7:30pm Set 1 - 7:30pm-8:10pm Interval - 8:10pm-8:30pm Set 2 - 8:30pm-9:20pm Finish - 9:20pm *Times are approximate & subject to change. Ben Portsmouth brings you his jaw-dropping tribute to the King of Rock 'n' Roll! With global success in over 20 countries including sellout performances on the same Vegas stage as Elvis, to London's West End, do not miss Ben Portsmouth: This is Elvis Australian Tour. Ben will take you on a trip down memory lane with many of Elvis' most loved songs from all eras including the 1950s, the iconic '68 Comeback Special, and Ben's personal favourite, the 1970s Vegas concerts. With his looks, charm and charisma, Ben is recognized as the world's leading Elvis Tribute Artist - he continues to amaze audiences with his stage presence. Join Ben Portsmouth as he brings his unique style and charisma with a 8-piece band and shows audiences why he is regarded as the best in the business.

Please Note:

Accessible Seating: All wheelchair, accessible seating & Companion Card can be booked via the Palms at Crown Box Office. Please call (03) 9292 5103 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Children's Policy: The Palms is an adult oriented venue, holding shows primarily suitable for adult audiences. It is recommended to parents that children under the age of 6 years should not attend a show at The Palms. Children under 3 years of age are admitted free, providing they do not occupy a seat. Please click here to view the Children's Policy in full.