Women Of Soul have taken The Music track-by-track to celebrate their new album, 'Feel Good'.
Photo of Women Of Soul (Credit: Nicole Cleary)
Women Of Soul, a collective of some of the country’s finest female talent, have all come together for this exquisite sophomore album collaboration, Feel Good, which is out now.
Inspired by a range of sounds within the soul/RNB genre, it traverses old-school soul, disco, rhythm and blues, and everything in between. The album was entirely composed, recorded, performed, and produced by an all-female team, a rare feat in the Australian music industry and is the first of its kind, everything from conception through to completion has been touched by female hands – an empowering and inspirational statement for women in Australian music.
Currently, in Australia, only 20% of APRA AMCOS songwriter members are women or female-identifying, with only 15% of annual royalties going to female writers. Worldwide, less than 2% of recording producers are women, with these stats only further highlighting what an important release this really is for our industry.
CELEBRATE ft Chelsea Wilson and Germaine McCarthy written by Chelsea Wilson and Audrey Powne
Audrey Powne and I penned this disco banger during the magical (albeit brief) window of freedom between the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns. Designed to be our live show opener, the song is a four-minute call to action, inviting you to celebrate live music with us, take in the moment and dance. I had a blast recording these vocals with my longtime collaborator/ gal pal Germaine. For the single photo shoot, we wore these incredible handmade fringed dresses made by Jolie. They looked so gorgeous on the instagram models but I looked like a human pinata and couldn’t stop laughing. They weighed a ton! - Chelsea Wilson
I AM ENOUGH ft Candice Monique written by Thando Sikwila, Chelsea Wilson, Mon Boggia, Audrey Powne and Candice Monique
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“The song is essentially about the realisation of self-love and self-acceptance, overcoming the pressures society puts on us to look/be/act a certain way, especially when it comes to body image, and allowing ourselves to just be amazing as we are and knowing that we are valid and we are loved regardless of the standards of beauty placed upon us. It’s about throwing all the self-criticism away and embracing our own unique brilliance”. - Candice Monique
LIFELINE ft Rita Satch written by Alzzy, Rita Satch, Emilia Schnall and Chelsea Wilson
“I see this song as an anthem for anyone who feels like they’re caught in the storms of life. It’s a song about the power found in the choice to fight and to hold onto hope, no matter what obstacles lie ahead. Finding your 'lifeline' means finding the perseverance, resilience, and strength to push through and overcome the challenges you face. It all starts inside - you can feel like you’re sinking and surrounded by rising waves, but when you choose to keep fighting, it means that triumph is still possible”. - Alzzy
HAPPY ft Kylie Auldist written by Kylie Auldist, Mon Boggia and Audrey Powne
“I’ve been happy to co-write five of the songs on the Women Of Soul album. Probably the most enjoyable part of the process was writing the songs together; we had a weekend down the coast writing together and I really enjoyed that. I sing two tracks on the album. Mon, Audrey Powne and I wrote the track Happy. I don’t really like telling people what the songs are about as I feel that you should just be able to place yourself into it. But the track is about my life; I’m really happy and have a lovely family and a lovely life! Audrey came up with the original concept and I just kept it going, listing all the things that make me happy. “ - Kylie Auldist
NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE ft Carla Troiano written by Chelsea Wilson
This song was written by Chelsea Wilson. But I feel like it could be a story about my life - I almost feel like she may have been inside my brain when she wrote it. We have all been heartbroken and in a space of denial at times when it comes to matters of the heart. When I was recording the song, It was a really emotional experience to go through that journey- anyone can go in and belt out a song- but I knew this song needed the story behind it to bring it to life. I put myself into a heartbreaking moment- the moment where you are in a space of shock, where you almost want to pretend it's not happening, and you tell yourself that there is hope there, I unlocked myself and my true artistry. This song is so special not only because of its stunning arrangement and music but because it so honestly expresses the human experience of loss and what it feels like to be left in that space.
I am so honoured I get to tell this story. Every single lyric is raw, emotional and real, yet at the same time I feel equally powerful and equally vulnerable when I sing it - vocally it's a powerhouse ballad that allows me to express my emotion through my voice at full capacity with no holding back, it doesn't have to be perfect. It has to be real. They are the songs that change the game and have changed the game for me as inspiration as a writer, singer and performer.
Not Ready To Say Goodbye, for me - is a song about truth, a song about being defenceless, but trying one last time anyway....it's about being real and also allows me to be a storyteller, and authentic and connect to an audience, use my voice dynamically and embody my inner strength and be strong and embrace my inner Diva. Which I think, sums up me - Carla Troiano. All in one!
LOVER DON’T LOCK ME DOWN ft Chelsea Wilson written by Chelsea Wilson, Mon Boggia Thando Sikwila and Kylie Auldist
“Unlike most songs on this record which are about real events and stories that are quite personal, this track centres on a fictional character we created in one of our songwriting sessions. Musically inspired by 1970s car chase film sequences and high-intensity action films, we wanted to write a story about a fierce, independent woman that wants love on her own terms. The incredible horn and string parts were written by Vanessa Perica and I love the afro-beat inspired percussion layers recorded by Neda Rahmani”. - Chelsea Wilson
FEEL GOOD ft Kylie Auldist written by Mon Boggia and Kylie Auldist
"Feel Good was written with Monique Boggia. It was amazing going out to Sing Sing Box Hill, the desk looks like something from star wars! It was so nice having the band together again and having everyone in the same room and singing again in a studio. I didn’t realise how much I’d missed that until we got into the studio. We had great musicians and it was just a matter of trusting each other, I’m really happy with how it turned out." - Kylie Auldist
PRETEND YOU DON’T SEE ME ft Stella Angelico written by Tamara Murphy, Chelsea Wilson, Vanessa Fernandez, Sorcha Albuquerque
'As soon as I heard this song I wanted to sing it. For the writing process, we worked together in small groups - most of us with musicians we hadn't worked with before. After the songs were written we got together at Bakehouse and performed them for the collective and it was so exciting. There was so much gold and lots of goosebumps. Personally, for myself as a singer, I really connected with Pretend You Don't See Me. It's a beautiful heartfelt tune.' - Stella Angelico
I’M ON IT ft Carla Troiano written by Thando, Audrey Powne, Monique Boggia, Chelsea Wilson and Kylie Auldist.
“I'm On It was written by a team of women that I have admired and worked with throughout my career. This song makes me feel fierce, unstoppable, powerful, sassy and like a Bonafide disco queen and that is exactly how I want every single person to feel when they hear it. That you are worthy, that it is ok to take no prisoners, that you are allowed to be unapologetically yourself and walk away from situations that don't serve you and back yourself.
This song was inspired by the disco soul queens of the past, which paved the way for women to have a voice, to own their own power, to be sexy, to be strong, to be educated and talented and own themselves. When I recorded this song I took all the greats in with me - Diana Ross, Donna Summer, Chaka Khan, Stephanie Mills - and embodied their energy. When we were discussing the arrangement of the song, I was really inspired by one of my favourite disco divas Evelyn Champagne King and passed this on to the band and the writers to embody this feel and in particular the groove and bass line because as the vocalist I wanted it to reflect that style as the storyteller of the song, groovy, funky, in control and sexy.
If you are ever having a bad day, put on I'm On It, channel your inner disco queen and back the hell out of yourself and it will make you feel like a badass... This song truly inspires me to take my power back and it's really a privilege to be the voice of a song written by and performed by so many badass, talented and inspiring women!!! - Carla Troiano
I SEE IT/ I BELIEVE IT ft Rita Satch, Alzzy, Miss Emilia, Raleigh Williams written by Kylie Auldist, Thando Sikwila, Chelsea Wilson, Mon Boggia
This song is a celebration of self-affirmation and discovery. It’s ‘talking the talk AND walking the wall’ when it comes to feeling powerful and positive, and the sharing of lyrics and lines between singers on this track enhances the camaraderie and mutual empowerment of women who came together to make it/ - Raleigh Williams
I’M COMING HOME TO YOU ft Vanessa Fernandex written by Vanessa Fernandez
I’m Coming Home To You was written on my honeymoon in Vietnam. I love my life partner and on reflection, it was an amazing getaway, but I’ve been a workaholic all my life and I love what I do in my day-to-day life. This tune started as a reflection on the fact that I’ve never really liked holidays and I’m completely happy as is, as boring as life is sometimes. It became a love song when I thought about this character longing to be reunited with their lover and rescued from the exotic getaway that they were so clearly over! - Vanessa Fernandez
EVERY DROP ft Raleigh Williams written by Raleigh Williams
"Every Drop was written during Covid - it was really an imagining of a relationship under the cover of lockdown, - a forbidden love that stops and starts because it has all these time and location constraints on it. Inspired by classic 90’s R’n’B ballads, it’s a well-known, timeless story of a love that is doomed to fail, but we go there anyway - either for our heart or for the pursuit of pleasure - and hopefully the 6/8 feel gives it a sexy edge. At some stage, this will be released with a band and harmonies, but to do it as a duo with only piano accompaniment gives the song rawness, tenderness and vulnerability”. - Raleigh Williams
MONSTER ft Alzzy written by Alzzy
“Monster aims to raise awareness of the negative impact anxiety can have on someone’s mental health, confidence, and sense of identity. The initial idea for the song was sparked by a conversation with a friend who said; “anxiety… it’s a monster”. Immediately after, the melody and first line of the chorus started ringing in my head. I believe that the more open and honest conversations we can have about issues like this, the more positive change we might be able to see”. - Alzzy
IN THE PIXELS ft Fem Belling, written by Fem Belling and Monique diMattina
“In the pixels: a lockdown musical experiment that completely failed. Ha. Initially, I wanted to create 5 unique “choose your own adventure” tracks. I would send a single melody line (hummed) to 5 different fellow musicians, and 5 different instrumentations, the idea was to add what they hear and send it forward to musicians of their choice. And so forth… The dream was to end up with 5 completely different tracks. But as with many ideas, time and mental capacity play a huge role. I shelved the project but the melody lived on in my brain.
Enter Women Of Soul - just the push to reignite the spark. Sharing my song along with my words and chords with Monique Dimattina was so special. Collaborating and infusing her musical magic in an intimate live recording. With Anna Laverty at the desk, smiling, facilitating & hearing out every mad idea I had on the day. Layering the track in the studio with ideas that only came in the moment is something so special”. - Fem Belling
Women Of Soul's new album, Feel Good, is out now. You can listen to it here.