Women in Music Mentor Program 2022

5 July 2022 | 9:30 pm | Will Backler
Originally Appeared In

Get the lowdown on the 2022 program from Australian Independent Record Labels Association CEO Maria Amato.

In great news for all female and non-binary musicians in Australia, the Australian Independent Record Labels Association (AIR) today announces the return of its fantastic Women in Music Mentor program.

Since its inception in 2020, the Women in Music Mentor program has aimed to empower women in the Australian music industry through a nation-wide mentoring and training program that helps connect people of all backgrounds, from creative to technical to business. 

With over 190 participants having received life changing mentoring so far, if you are a woman or non-binary person in the Australian music industry in any capacity this may just be the thing to take your career to the next level. 

With applications now open (you’ve got until  5pm, August 10), we took the opportunity to pick the brains of AIR CEO, Maria Amato, to find out more about this excellent opportunity.

When and why did the program begin?

It was announced as part of the commonwealth governments 30 million dollar investment into the music industry in March 2019 – recognising the need for mentoring for women in the music industry and began to roll out in 2020.

What are the main aims of the program as a whole?

The Women in Music Mentor program is an Australian Government initiative delivered by AIR from 2020 to 2023. It is designed to assist with career and leadership progression pathways, strategic decision making, corporate governance, and focus on developing skills in contract negotiation, financial literacy, marketing and leadership. 

Who is the program aimed at?

The Women in Music Mentor program is a nation-wide mentoring and training program aimed at empowering women in the Australian music industry. Since its inception in 2020, the program has helped connect and guide female, female-identifying and non-binary participants working in or aspiring to work in creative (solo artists, band members, songwriters), technical (engineers, producers, etc.) and/or business roles (managers, promoters, record labels, etc.) within the Australian music industry. 

What are some examples of the training participants will receive?  

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In addition to mentoring, mentees will also be provided with professional development webinars and workshops including but not limited to, financial literacy, marketing, contract negotiation, communication skills, leadership, the role of a director/getting on boards.

Who will the participants be mentored by?

Mentees will be asked to nominate up to 5 suitably skilled mentors that they would like to be matched with. AIR will then review and use best endeavours to match the mentee with one of their chosen mentors. AIR will then provide an induction program and mentees can complete their mentoring sessions over a 5 month period.

What part of the program do you find the most exciting?

Getting direct feedback attesting to how this program has helped mentees expand their horizons, increase their self-confidence, build industry expertise and networks. 

Do you have any examples of success stories so far?

So far, 190 participants have received mentoring with the program, and the feedback has been extremely positive, with 95% rating the professional development offered as excellent, 92% of surveyed respondents saying their career in the music industry had benefited from their participation, and 80% saying the program had created new. opportunities for them. (Roy Morgan) 

See our website for more testimonials – wim.air.org.au

What is your hope for the future of the program?

That it continues nationwide so that more women can benefit and that it expands to include sole traders and small business operators of any gender.

What advice would you give to applicants for the 2022 program?

Think about what you need help with to progress your career and apply – mentoring has helped so many people increase their self-confidence, ability to navigate challenges and  plot a path towards the successful attainment of their career aspirations.

Applications are open now via our website: wim.air.org.au