Some of Australia's favourite vocalists are celebrating the legacy of Led Zeppelin as part of Whole Lotta Love, so naturally we wanted to probe said vocalists about their most memorable mements with Zep, whether they think they nicked Stairway To Heaven and what their favourite song is.
Do you have a consistently favourite song of theirs or does it change around? Kashmir is the epitome of rock'n'roll meets the eastern influence. The lyrical imagery and pure riffery make the perfect rock epic.
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Which album of theirs would you give to a newbie who had no idea about them to best represent them (and why)? Led Zeppelin IV. Aside from being an iconic record, it covers a lot of territory for them stylistically. Also it has When The Levee Breaks.
Do you reckon they nicked Stairway To Heaven from Spirit? I don't believe they did. There are many parts to Stairway, not just a few notes at the start, and even those notes are not really the same in delivery.
Do you try and belt out Zeppelin songs like Robert Plant when performing live, or you don't even try and compete with the Golden God's golden tonsils and just do your own thing? There is no competition with God. I would probably rip my throat out, ha ha. I delve into the song and learn what it's about then translate what that means to me and express it my way.