Watch: Connie Constance - Miss Power

18 May 2022 | 7:30 pm | Will Backler
Originally Appeared In

English singer-songwriter announces her signing to Play It Again Sam with driving new indie pop anthem.

Continuing her steady output of alt-pop indie bangers is one Connie Constance, who today follows up 2021’s Prim & Propa EP with the explosive new Miss Power.

Pairing relentless drums with catchy, distorted guitar riffs and Constance’s powerful, arresting voice, Miss Power is an uplifting, addictive listen, and weighing in at just under three minutes, screams “put on repeat”.

Of the new single, Constance says "This is my fuck you, and your opinions, I don’t need you, I’ve got me song. It’s the wake up call that I needed and I hope it can do the same for anyone who needs it. It can be pretty lonely sometimes working towards a goal by yourself or with a handle of fairies.

Having to get up everyday, maybe working a part time job that you hate whilst trying to still see yourself as the star that you are. So I wrote this song last year cleaning fucking toilets before the studio and it’s for everyone out there that needs some motivation."

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